Agricultural Philosophy may be divided into utilitarian, Libertarian, and Ecological(system) approaches.

Utilitarian approach is currently most widespread approach in which council would judge which use of land would benefit the greatest number of people and then take their choice based upon that information. Finally, it forms the foundation for industrial farming.

Libertarian approach is identified with the belief that each person has a right to a maximum amount of liberty as long as this does not interfere with other people’s freedom. Thus, it would be acceptable for a farmer to inefficiently farm their land as long as they don’t harm others while doing it. While libertarianism provides for the maximum amount of human freedom, it does not require a person to help others, it also leads to the grossly uneven distribution of wealth, land and food. However, if one recognizes that people have a right to something, then someone has to supply this opportunity or item whether that be an individual person or the government.

In addition to utilitarian, libertarian, the Ecological (System approach) postulates human communities are built upon a foundation of the surrounding ecosystems or Biotic communities. Land has intrinsic value which directly applies to agriculture is Aldo Leopold’s stewardship or Land ethics in which an action is correct if it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community.

At Manna Agriculture Company we strive to put Leopold’s land ethics in practice which is most popular ecological approach commonly known as Agrarianism.